onsdag den 8. april 2009

Burj Dubai

While browsing cranes in Dubai i stumbled over the Burj Dubai tower. (I know, quite a huge thing to stumble upon) I have to quote my personal hero William Gibson here: “The future has already arrived. It's just not evenly distributed yet.” Well... some kind of future certanly hit Dubai. And it's still funny how the future citys tend to look like we imagine they will... because we imagine it.

Copyright Burj Dubai

Tjeck out the amazing photos of this superstructure here

Bucket Wheel Excavator

Bucket Wheel Excavator?
What kind of name is that for a monster like this?

This is not a crane, this is more like Howl's moving castle meets Transformers in some twisted evil sci-fi setting.

Just imagine to push the button and start this thing...

Credit: ThyssenKrupp Technologies, SwapMeetDave

Copyright Shonn E. Martin

copyright POLTEGOR-projekt

Unknown photographer

Tjeck out this slideshow where it digests a tiny bulldozer.
Batram has some pretty evil pics of this thing

The biggest structures : the biggest cranes

If you are looking for the really big cranes, you have to look where

they are building really huge buildings.

So of course Dubai would be a great place to spot cranes.

I read somewhere that in 2007, 25 percent of the world's cranes were in Dubai.

above picture: Dubai, United Arab Emirates - all copyright cgsheldon

Copyright OmarO